1. We had a great Harvest Day Sunday last week! Thanks to all who helped out, made delicious food, decorated, cleaned up, and gave generously! Online Giving is available here.
2. Last week, I had a great time at a Bible Conference called the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) meeting in San Diego. I learned a lot on topics such as Suffering in the Bible, Biblical Counseling, employing philosophical frameworks to bible interpretation, Apocryphal Gospels, Scribal Habits, Dating Manuscript evidence, New Creation Millenium, Interpreting 1 Tim 2:15, and much more I can’t remember off the top of my head.
2a. I was able to survey 7 new books and commentaries on Matthew for my dissertation and buy 4 books at a discount on important topics such as Interpreting the Book of Revelation, Pentecostalism, Roman Catholicism, and Women in Ministry. (yes, I know, I don’t “need” any more books lol).
3. Thank you to all who are serving in Western NC! Thank you for helping those in need and affected by the Hurricane. I am praying for safety, endurance, and gospel opportunities! Here are a few pictures they posted yesterday.
4. Thank you all so much who can volunteer to serve in our kid's Sunday school classes and Bridge Kids. We have a good rotation for most of our Sunday school classes, but we still need Assistants for Bridge kids on December 8, 15, 22, and 29. Assisting involves helping keep the kids safe and under control, monitoring bathroom visits from the hall, and assisting with any crafts or games. No teaching is required. Please let me (Pastor Josh) know if you can help with any of these days.
5. Christmas is Coming! The first big event is our Children’s Christmas Program/Live Nativity/Tree Lighting | December 1 | Sunday 6 pm | Invite everyone and bring all your kids and grandkids for this fun event. Share the event on Facebook :
6. Read my short blog article, answering the question, “Is it ok to have depictions of Jesus?” -
7. I ordered the Christmas devotionals for those who signed up for one and will give them out this Sunday, Dec 1.
8. Happy Thanksgiving!